Sunday, 18 August 2013

Specsavers, optics and the last 3 years

As Saira leaves my garden after a refreshing glass of water and the world smells like pickled onion monster munch....?! (really it does! Ask her!). The wife's at work, i begin to reflect on the last 3 years in optics. Taking great care not to mention anything that may get me into trouble (we've all heard about inappropriate facebook comments...). I want to thank everyone i've worked with over the past 3 years (cheese alert)

Little known story...
Once upon a time in ye old english town of Bradford,  a specsavers employee (me) was anxiously searching for that ever elusive pre-reg. Yes, it was the hot topic of conversation around ye old university of Bradford, some students seemed to have a pre-reg arranged before they started the degree. Such were proud in their strutting around campus, chests puffed as they went around exuberating a cool that could only come with job security... picking up girls with their pre-reg confirmation letters and their 'I have a pre-reg' smile. Alas, fez didn't have such priveledge, but he knew someone who might be able to help....enter Anj.
A no nonsence brother who means what he says, who could probably crack your ribs in a bear hug. Without hesitation Anj claimed 'I could get you a pre-reg with a phone call right now' and seeing the anticipation in my face, he made good his word.
Enter Paul McGinty... a man cut from the same cloth as Anj, only more archetypal. And there you have it, after a year of support and dedication this amorphous inexperienced blob was molded and chiselled into a shiny new optometrist.

True, sheffield speccys has given me a livelihood and financial stability. And I can not thank you enough for that. But really I feel blessed to have worked with people who are defined by their humanity, who beneath it all have love in their hearts. You know who you are, who have gone beyond the remit of work to help me, to show that you care, to extend the hand of friendship. And I know this is well cheesy but it's nice to receive a bit of gratitude sometimes :-)
God bless

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