There is something going on in Visoko that is causing a lot of controversy, Dr Sam Osmanagich - an archaeologist - noticed an unusually high degree of symmetry of some local hills when visiting the area in 2006. When investigating further, he found the hills were covered in concrete - a man made substance. Sending an embedded leaf for radiocarbon dating, it came back as being 30,000 years old!
It was looking like a pyramid so he decided to look for other signs. It had geometrically pyramid shape - unusually triangular for a natural hill. It's 4 sides pointed toward the cardinal points, with greater accuracy than other famous pyramids. And when he started digging he found a network of tunnels running around the pyramid site, a network which he believes will ultimately lead to the pyramids themselves.
Bearing in mind the ancient Egyptian civilisation is ~ 5000 years old, the Mayan goes back as far as 4000 years, this is a really groundbreaking discovery. A 30000 year old civilisation with the means to build huge structures. This would shatter the view of primitive man being ape-like and stupid, unable to take a bath never mind build a pyramid!
Then came the fallout, claims of falsified data and bogus science undermining Osmanagich's discovery. Claims he's made in the past (really unconventional claims) used to indicate that maybe he's coming out with crazy stuff again. Official archaeological boards publicly denouncing Osmanagich.
In any case, I felt it was worth visiting to see for myself. My first impressions of the pyramid, seeing it through the bus window, was that it wasn't as symmetrical as it looks in the pictures. The 'concrete' blocks covering the pyramid were interesting. I can verify that at the excavation sites on the side of the pyramid, I could see several large rectangular blocks of large pebbles bound with a clay-like binding substance. They did not look natural, but I am not a materials expert. Osmanagich has had a sample professionally tested and verified as man made, but critics say the sample was off a nearby hill (not the pyramid), and that the material is in keeping with the landscape i.e. it is natural.
Much more symmetry from the angle shown below:
Above: concrete blocks
Below: close up of concrete block
For 2.5 euro you get a tour through the underground cave found 3km away from the pyramid. The tour was fantastic and I would certainly recommend it, our guide was enthusiastic and willing to answer any questions I had. The cave contains a huge stone megalith, which they say is man made with an ancient form of ceramic. Covered in ancient inscription (which critics say were later added), it's purpose is yet unclear, but the guide mentions it functions as an air purifier. Independent measurements show that the oxygen concentration within the cave is higher than outside the cave - very unusual. There is also a very high concentration of negative ions - air which has therapeutic qualities and is produced in western countries by air purifiers. Still water within the cave has maintained it's purity - perhaps for over 1000 years - due to the purifying effects of the negative ions.
The tunnel network we waked through looked man made - layers of stones set in an arch pattern. Most of the tunnels today are filled with soil - a completely different soil to the stone arches lining the tunnels. This soil filler is 5000 years old. The theory is that the tunnels were made over 5000 years ago by an ancient civilisation, and a successive civilisation filled them up for an as yet unknown reason. Not only did they fill them with soil, but they sealed entrances to tunnels with dry stone walls. Whatever the theory, the dry stone walls were self evident as were the manufactured appearance of the tunnel arches. Not all tunnels have been filled with soil, after several hundred km of digging the researchers found a network of unfilled tunnels - a real progression in their findings.
Sam Osmanagich has opened the tunnels / pyramid to research for anyone who is interested. This attracts all kinds of people - scientists who are interested in empirical measurement and spiritually inclined people who feel the energy currents of the place. As such a lot is said about the pyramids from people of all persuasions, but the modern mind seeks to validate claims through empirical measurement alone before placing faith in something. Those who place no value on non-empirical measurements run risk of throwing the baby out with the bath water, ignoring all the empirical research that is being done on the pyramid.
So to summarise, I will put forward some reasons to believe that something extraordinary is happening in Visoko:
-The pyramid faces toward the cardinal points
-The walls seem to be covered with artificial blocks of concrete
-There is a network of tunnels running near the pyramid complex, the structure of which appears artificial
-There are a high concentration of negative ions in the tunnel, this is measurable and self regulating
-There is a measurable beam of electromagnetic energy above the pyramid
And as we are not people who regard empirical measurements as the truest form of knowledge, it is important to note that we felt at peace in the tunnels. Mandeep felt that she resonated with the surroundings, leading to a feeling of contentment.
Reading around on the internet can be difficult sometimes, in that I never seem to get to the bottom of something. Seeing the pyramids in person was really worthwhile, helping to consolidate some ideas I had regarding them.
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